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Vernon Jubilee Hospitalists
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Bridging Peri-Operatively
BC Cancer
Drug Manual
Immunotherapy Complications
Cancer Guidelines (Work-up etc)
Referral Form
Symptom Management
Substance Use
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
AUD Overview (Withdrawal)
Opioid Overdose – Best Practices
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Approach to treating older with patients with kidney failure
AF (BC Guidelines for the provider)
Cirrhosis Care
COVID – Drug Interactions PAXLovid
COVID Treatment Algorithm
Hypoactive Delirium
MINS Protocol (VJH)
PESI (Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index)
Fluid & Aspiration Request Form (Sharepoint)
IM Consult Referral (VJH)
MHCA Form 4 (BC)
Neurology RACE Referral (Kelowna)
Stroke/TIA Referral (Kelowna)
UPCC Referral (Vernon)
Ottawa Rules M&M
M&M Template
Bridging Peri-Operatively
BC Cancer
Drug Manual
Immunotherapy Complications
Cancer Guidelines (Work-up etc)
Referral Form
Symptom Management
Substance Use
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
AUD Overview (Withdrawal)
Opioid Overdose – Best Practices
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Approach to treating older with patients with kidney failure
AF (BC Guidelines for the provider)
Cirrhosis Care
COVID – Drug Interactions PAXLovid
COVID Treatment Algorithm
Hypoactive Delirium
MINS Protocol (VJH)
PESI (Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index)
Fluid & Aspiration Request Form (Sharepoint)
IM Consult Referral (VJH)
MHCA Form 4 (BC)
Neurology RACE Referral (Kelowna)
Stroke/TIA Referral (Kelowna)
UPCC Referral (Vernon)
Ottawa Rules M&M
M&M Template
Bridging Peri-Operatively
BC Cancer
Drug Manual
Immunotherapy Complications
Cancer Guidelines (Work-up etc)
Referral Form
Symptom Management
Substance Use
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
AUD Overview (Withdrawal)
Opioid Overdose – Best Practices
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Approach to treating older with patients with kidney failure
AF (BC Guidelines for the provider)
Cirrhosis Care
COVID – Drug Interactions PAXLovid
COVID Treatment Algorithm
Hypoactive Delirium
MINS Protocol (VJH)
PESI (Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index)
Fluid & Aspiration Request Form (Sharepoint)
IM Consult Referral (VJH)
MHCA Form 4 (BC)
Neurology RACE Referral (Kelowna)
Stroke/TIA Referral (Kelowna)
UPCC Referral (Vernon)
Ottawa Rules M&M
M&M Template
Up To Date
MD On Call
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HOSPITALIST ADMISSION NOTE [Your Hospital] ID: [] Referred by: [] REASON FOR ADMISSION: [] HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: [] GOALS OF CARE: [] PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: [] PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: [] ALLERGIES: [] HOME MEDICATIONS: [] SOCIAL HISTORY: [] IMMUNIZATIONS: [Up to date] FAMILY HISTORY: [None relevant] EXAMINATION: Vitals: [] General: [Appears well, no pallor, no jaundice, no peripheral edema, no clubbing, no signs of dehydration, skin is normal] HEENT: [NAD] Chest: [clear with GAEB, no adventitious sounds] CVS: [peripheral pulses are present pulse is regular, JVP is normal, S1 S2 = normal, no murmurs] Abdomen: [No distension, no tenderness on palpation, no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly clinically, bowel sounds are present, no hernias] Neurology: [orientated x 3, PEARL, No nystagmus, Finger-nose test is normal, heel to shin test is normal, no gaze palsy, CN I - XII roughly intact, power 5/5 throughout, reflexes are normal, Babinski is negative, no neck stiffness] Musculo-skeletal: [NAD] SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS: [] ASSESSMENT & PLAN: [] DISPOSITION: Admit to VJH Hospitalist VTE: [] Diet: [] MOST: [If you made any changes or had discussions, leave out if captured in above section] Consults: [PT, OT, TL, SW etc] EDD: [] Thank you for involving the hospitalist service. This document was created using voice recognition software and as a result might contain some errors. If anything is not clear, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Progress Note
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HOSPITALIST PROGRESS NOTE [Insert Hospital] MOST [] SUMMARY: [80-year-old female admitted with CHF.] TODAY: [Capture SOAP elements reflecting changes in patient's condition, reasons for change of treatment and outcome of treatment] Plan: [List today's plan] ACTIVE ISSUES: [Problem list] BARRIERS: [] PMH: [] This document was created using voice recognition software and as a result might contain some errors. If anything is not clear, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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HOSPITALIST CONSULTATION NOTE [Insert Hospital] REFERRED BY: [] ID: [] REASON FOR REFERRAL: [Reason for referral] HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: [Provide more information about complaint, focusing on symptoms and events leading up to admission. Also incorporate collateral information] GOALS OF CARE: MOST [current MOST status] PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: [] PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: [] ALLERGIES: [] HOME MEDICATIONS: [] SOCIAL HISTORY: [] IMMUNIZATIONS: [] FAMILY HISTORY: [None relevant] EXAMINATION: Vitals: [] General: [Appears well, no pallor, no jaundice, no peripheral edema, no clubbing, no signs of dehydration, skin is normal] HEENT: [NAD] Chest: [clear with GAEB, no adventitious sounds] CVS: [peripheral pulses are present pulse is regular, JVP is normal, S1 S2 = normal, no murmurs] Abdomen: [No distension, no tenderness on palpation, no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly clinically, bowel sounds are present, no hernias] Neurology: [orientated x 3, PEARL, No nystagmus, Finger-nose test is normal, heel to shin test is normal, no gaze palsy, CN I - XII roughly intact, power 5/5 throughout, reflexes are normal, Babinski is negative, no neck stiffness] Musculo-skeletal: [NAD] SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS: [] IMPRESSION: [Generate a problem statement that can be carried over to the progress note. This is a summary of the problems identified.] ASSESSMENT & PLAN: 1. [] Thank you for involving the hospitalist service. This document was created using voice recognition software and as a result might contain some errors. If anything is not clear, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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HOSPITALIST DISCHARGE SUMMARY [Insert Hospital] MOST [] DATE OF ADMISSION: [] DATE OF DISCHARGE: [] DESTINATION: [] PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: [] SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: [] CONSULTATIONS: [] PROCEDURES: [None] PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: [Import from progress note and ensure updated with new findings] DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: [] SUMMARY OF ADMISSION: [Provide a one paragraph summary, can import summary and just add information] FOLLOW UP AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. [Recommended follow up labs, imaging etc ] 2. [Results pending at time of discharge] 3. [Referrals submitted while in hospital ] Thank you for involving the hospitalist service. This note was created with voice recognition software and may contain some errors. If anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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HOSPITAL TRANSFER SUMMARY Date of admission: [] Date of transfer: [] Discharge disposition: [] Accepting physician: [] MOST [] Admission diagnosis: [Main reason for admission] Secondary Diagnosis: [All diagnoses during the admission] Past Medical History: [Medical history] Specialist Consults During Admission: [Name, date, specialty] Interventions: [Angiogram Date: ] [Biopsy: Date & Site] [Blood Products: dates] [Cardioversion: Date ] [CPR: Date] [Catheter: Date (removed on )] [Central Lines: Date (removed on )] [Chest Tube: Date (removed on )] [Dialysis: Date ] [Drains: Date and Site] [Endoscopy: Date and by whom with findings] [Feeding Tube: Date (removed on )] [Mechanical Ventilation/BiPAP, CPAP: Date ] [NG Fees: Date ] [Pacemaker: Date ] [Pleurocentesis: Date & findings] [Paracentesis: Date & findings] [Radiation: Date ] [Chemotherapy: Date ] [Tracheotomy: Date ] [TPN: Date ] [Vac Dressing: Date ] Operative Interventions: [] Pertinent Investigations: [] Current Medications: [] Social Issues: [] Summary: [] Thank you for involving the hospitalist service. This note was created with voice recognition software and may contain some errors. If anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to contact me.